

  • To utilize the Hellixia functions, BayesiaLab must connect to the OpenAI API using a personal API Key.

  • OpenAI is a third-party service that can be accessed through BayesiaLab; however, it is not part of the BayesiaLab software. As a result, Bayesia makes no representations.

  • A subscription fee payable to OpenAI may be required to obtain your personal API Key.


  • Obtain your personal API key from the OpenAI website.

  • Once you have obtained your API Key, enter it into your locally-installed BayesiaLab software under Main Menu > Windows > Preferences > Tools > OpenAI

Microsoft Azure

If you want to utilize an alternative to OpenAI, you can deploy models in your own Microsoft Azure account. The process involves creating endpoints.

The URL is structured as follows: https://{your-resource-name}{deployment-id}/chat/completions?api-version={api-version}."

In this URL:

  • {your-resource-name} should be replaced with the name of your Azure OpenAI resource.

  • {deployment-id} should be replaced with the ID of the specific deployment.

  • {api-version} should be replaced with the version of the API you're using. This follows the YYYY-MM-DD format.

For further information, visit Microsoft's official documentation at

SSL Proxy

If you're operating behind a proxy that enforces SSL rewriting or redirection, you might encounter the following error message:

'PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.'

If you encounter this issue, it will be necessary to point BayesiaLab towards the truststore, where the approved certificates are kept.


  • Go to Main Menu > Windows > Preferences > General.

  • Click on the folder icon to locate and select the BayesiaLab.cfg file.

  • Navigate to the end of the file, where you'll locate the [JavaOptions] section.

    • If you're using Windows, you should add the following two lines:

    • For MacOSX users, instead, add:

  • After these changes, save the file and then restart BayesiaLab for the updates to take effect.

Last updated


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