Bayesialab 6

BayesiaLab 6.0: New Features & Updates (06/2016)

Here is a small selection of new or updated features released in BayesiaLab 6.0:

  • A [Function Node](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/16319071.html) is an entirely new type of node, which provides an efficient and precise way of handling numerical functions within Bayesian Networks. Furthermore, Function Nodes allow you to build summaries of Joint Probability Distributions, which can be used for designing *Reflexive Bayesian Networks.
  • The [Targeted Evaluation](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/16318615.html) tools now feature numerous new metrics for evaluating the quality of networks with regard to specific modeling objectives, such as Classification, Forecasting, Prioritization, and Posterior Probability Estimation.
  • The [Multi-Target Evaluation](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/16318702.html) tool offers a powerful way of measuring and comparing the performance of networks consisting of variables with different representations, e.g. different discretization or aggregation schemes.
  • The [Consistency](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/13861068.html) metric can now also be used as a tool for evaluating the quality of networks.
  • The [Data Discretization Toolbox](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/16318855.html) now offers a very comprehensive set of methods for univariate, bivariate, and multivariate discretizations.
  • A [Variable Selection](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/16318930.html) algorithm is now available in conjunction with all Supervised Learning algorithms.
  • The [BayesiaLab WebSimulator](/Users/stefanconrady/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-BayesiaUSA/ClickHelp Backup/project-backup_bayesialab_2024-06-07_08-24-26/HTML/12714568.html), our new solution for sharing interactive models via the web with any audience, now offers *Multi-Target Adaptive Questionnaires.

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