Analysis Tools
The Analysis Toolbar becomes available whenever, you use one of the func
Toolbar applies to:
- Arc Force
- Arc's mutual information
- Pearson's Correlation
- Node Force
- Correlation with the Target Node
- Correlation with the Target State
- Neighborhood
- Most Probable Explanation
Go back to the previous threshold
Go to the next threshold
Store the current arc forces in the arc comments
Stop the arc force analysis
Go back to the previous threshold
Go to the next threshold
Store the current information in the arc comments
Stop the arc's mutual information analysis
Go back to the previous threshold according to the selected correlation
Go to the next threshold according to the selected correlation
Displays only arcs having a negative correlation greater than the given threshold in absolute value
Displays only arcs having a correlation greater than the given threshold in absolute value
Displays only arcs having a positive correlation greater than the given threshold
Store the current Pearson's correlations in the arc comments as well as the associated color
Stop the Pearson's correlation analysis
Go back to the previous threshold according to the selected force
Go to the next threshold according to the selected force
Computes only the entering force of the nodes and displays if greater than the given threshold
Computes the global force of the nodes and displays if greater than the given threshold
Computes only the outing force of the nodes and displays if greater than the given threshold
Stop the node force analysis
Stop the correlation with the target node analysis
Stop the correlation with a state of the target node analysis
Combo box to choose the kind of neighborhood Field to modify the neighborhood depth
Stop the neighborhood analysis
Stop the most probable explanation