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Select Nodes

Select Nodes


  • Using Select Nodes, you can select nodes based on their characteristics, which is helpful especially when editing large and complex Bayesian networks.


Function Overview

Functions in Detail

  • All selects all nodes.
  • Discrete selects all Discrete Nodes.
  • Continuous selects all Continuous Nodesnodes.
  • Constraint selects all Constraint Nodes.
  • Decision select all Decision Nodes.
  • Utility selects all Utility Nodes.
  • Function selects all Function Nodes.
  • Target selects the Target Node.
  • Excluded selects all Excluded nodes.
  • Unconnected select all Unconnected nodes.
  • Not Observable selects Not Observable Nodes
  • Hidden selects all Hidden Nodes.
  • With opens up a new sub-menu featuring:
    • Temporal Index selects nodes that have a Temporal Index assigned.
    • Cost selects nodes that have a Cost assigned.
    • Filtered State selects nodes that contain a Filtered State.
    • Local Structural Coefficient selects nodes that have a Local Structural Coefficient.
    • Virtual Number of States selects nodes that have a Virtual Number of States assigned.
    • Reference State selects nodes that contain a Reference State.
    • Missing Values selects all nodes that have the percentage of Missing Values greater than the threshold you specify in a pop-up window:
    • Conditional Probability Trees selects nodes that have their Conditional Probability Table defined by Trees.
    • Assessments selects all nodes that have at least one Assessment in their Conditional Probability Tables.
    • Appearance opens up another sub-menu featuring the different options for displaying a node:
      • Disc selects nodes that appear in the form of a Disc.
      • Badge selects nodes that appear as a Badge.
      • Monitor selects nodes that appear as a Monitor.
      • Gauge selects nodes that appear as a Gauge.
      • Bar selects nodes that appear as a Bar.

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