Batch Joint Probability

Batch Joint Probability

Work in Progress — Page Under Construction

For each record of the database or each evidence set of the associated evidence scenario file, the nodes are observed to the value of the record (except for the nodes declared as not observable and for those where the value is missing). The joint probability of these evidences is computed with the Bayesian network.

The results are stored in an exploitation file that takes the selected fields of the input file and associates, for each case, the computed joint probability of the evidences.

If the data source is an external database, the fields of the input file that are included in the exploitation file are selected via the wizard illustrated below:

If the data source is the associated database, a dialog allows the user to choose on which part of the database (all, learning or test) the operation is done and which nodes will be saved in the destination file. It is also possible to choose if the state's long names are used and if the continuous values are saved:

Sorting the resulting file with respect to this joint probability can thus allow detecting the atypical records, the outliers (cases with a very weak joint) by taking into account all the variables.

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