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Profile Analysis


  • The Profile Analysis feature allows you to compare the mean values of observable variables on the segments defined by the Breakout variable.


  • Let's take the Perfume example for which we have defined five segments with the Breakout Variable Product, namely Prod3, Prod4, ProdG1, ProdG5 and Prod G6.

Null Value Assessment

  • When two segments are selected, this option allows estimating if the mean values of these segments are significantly different.

  • Two tests are proposed for answering this question:

    • a Frequentist one, NHST t-test, the Null Hypothesis Significance Testing with the Welch's two-sample, two tailed t-test, and
    • a Bayesian one, BEST, described in the paper by John K. Kruschke, "Bayesian Estimation Supersedes the t-test", Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2013.
  • Below is the Bayesian network used in the BEST approach. We are assuming that the samples follow a Student's t-distribution. The two segments have their own μ\mu and σ\sigma, but they share the same ν\nu.

  • The default Confidence Level has been set to 95%. This is the same for both tests.

  • As for the Bayesian test, the Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE) on the Effect size around the null value has been set by default to [-0.1, 0.1].

  • The null value is declared to be rejected if the 95% Highest Density Interval (HDI) falls completely outside the ROPE.

  • You can use the Preferences to modify:

    • the confidence level (for both the t-test and BEST),
    • the Monte Carlo Markov Chain parameters that are used for inference in the Bayesian network described above,
    • the ROPE size that defines an interval centered at 0, i.e. 0.2 defines the interval [-0.1, 0.1].


  • We first select Prod3 and ProdG5. Upon checking Null Value Assessment, the computation of both tests is triggered.

  • If the mean values are estimated as significantly different, a square is added next to the label:

    • for t-test
    • for BEST

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