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Contigency Table Fit

Contingency Table Fit


Contingency Table Fit (CTF) measures the quality of the representation of the Joint Probability Distribution by a Bayesian network BB compared to a complete (i.e., fully-connected) network CC.

BayesiaLab's CTF is defined as:

CB=100×HU(D)HB(D)HU(D)HC(D){C_B} = 100 \times \frac{{{H_U}({\cal D}) - {H_B}({\cal D})}}{{{H_U}({\cal D}) - {H_C}({\cal D})}}


  • HU(D){{H_U}({\cal D})} is the entropy of the data with the unconnected network UU.
  • HB(D){{H_B}({\cal D})} is the entropy of the data with the evaluated network BB.
  • HC(D){{H_C}({\cal D})} is the entropy of the data with the complete (i.e., fully connected) network CC. In the complete network, all nodes are directly connected to all other nodes. Therefore, the complete network CC is an exact representation of the chain rule. As such, it does not utilize any conditional independence assumptions for representing the Joint Probability Distribution.


  • CB{C_B} is equal to 100 if the Joint Probability Distribution is represented without any approximation, i.e., the entropy of the evaluated network BB is the same as that obtained with the complete network CC.
  • CB{C_B} is equal to 0 if the Joint Probability Distribution is represented by considering that all the variables are independent, i.e., the entropy of the evaluated network B is the same as the one obtained with the unconnected network UU.
  • CB{C_B} can also be negative if the parameters of network BB do not correspond to the dataset.

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